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Moor frog (Rana arvalis)

Moor Frog (Rana arvalis) and its life cycle.

The moor frog is a species of frog found in wet habitats across much of Europe and parts of Asia. Adult frogs feed mainly on insects, worms and other small predators that they find near water.

To breed, moor frogs gather at breeding sites in the spring months, where males call to attract females. As the females prepare to lay their eggs, they mate with the males and then deposit large numbers of eggs in shallow water. After a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae that feed on algae and other aquatic vegetation. Over the following weeks, the larvae gradually develop and change shape until they reach the stage where they can become adult frogs.

Once adult, moor frogs move to areas further away from the water where they spend most of the year. During this time they feed on a variety of terrestrial predators, including insects, spiders and other small animals. During the winter months, moor frogs hide in leaf litter, undergrowth or underground.

As I mentioned last time, the Moor Frog turns blue at mating time, which is typical of this species of frog. This is due to the activation of special pigments in the skin cells that absorb colours other than blue and green. Otherwise, the moor frog has brown skin with different patterns, ranging from lighter to darker shades.

In recent decades, populations of the moor frog have declined due to habitat loss and water pollution, and are now threatened with extinction. A number of measures have been taken to protect the species, such as improving water quality, preserving habitats and controlling the use of pesticides.








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