Ok. Someone can see the mountains but someone can see the motorcycle biker.
Ok. Someone can see the mountains but someone can see the motorcycle biker.
One more weekend has past in our lives and with that also the time of Easter holiday. And again we must pull this capitalist wagon, which is rush with the speed of light into God knows where.Only the instrument will… Read More »Instrument
This weekend I and my girlfriend Mateja were riding bikes on Kras. Weather was absolutely great not too sunny and not cloudy. The roads lead us thru the beautiful stone villages and pine forests, beside the Italian border. In approximately… Read More »Riding bikes on Kras
Photoreport from ice climbing cup 04/05 Mlačca
Photo taken sometime in the middle of winter 2005…when it was real cold outside like somewhere on North Pole. Even the tripod was shaking. I had to put pants on his legs….it was so cold.
Rezultat petkovega popoldanskega smuka. No tole mi je uspel narediti že na samem dostopu pod Povnovo dolino oz. na plaz pod le to. Pol si si pa kup Diamirja Result of Friday afternoon tour skiing. Never buy fritchi diamir
Takole je izgledala Povnova dolina in razmere v njej 11.3.2005 polna plazov in nobenega pametnega snega. Višje v hribih se vse skupaj precej tali tako da skoz po malem grmi navzdol…zanimivo My skiing polygon. Povnova valley. At that moment full… Read More »Kočna
slikca strelovoda slikana enkrat sredi zime na vogalu cerkvice na Trati.
…no ja že nakaj časa iščemen sajt na netu nekaj kjer bi lahko po mili volji objavljal svoje novice sem ter tja kakšno slikico in trosil neumnosti. In končno mi je uspelo nekaj najti. No ja malce sem se moral… Read More »Start